The impact of breastfeeding and bottle feeding on newborn sleep
The decision to breastfeed or bottle feed your newborn can have a significant impact on their sleep. Both have their own unique benefits and challenges and it is important to understand how each method can affect your newborn sleep.
Breastfeeding -
Is a natural and convenient way to feed your newborn. It provides your baby with all the nutrients they need and helps to establish a strong bond between mother and child; however, breastfeeding can also have a significant impact on newborn sleep.
One main benefit of breastfeeding is that it can help your baby fall asleep easily. The sucking motion and the release of the hormone oxytocin during breastfeeding can help your baby feel calm and relaxed, which can make it easier for them to fall asleep. The close physical contact between mother and baby during breastfeeding can provide a comforting and soothing environment, which can also promote sleep.
However, Breastfeeding can also lead to more frequent waking during the night as newborns may need to feed every two to three hours. This can make it difficult for both mother and baby to get full night's sleep. Additionally, newborns who are exclusively breastfeeding may take longer to fall back asleep after waking, as they need to be repositioned or re-latched.
Photograph by Jonathan Borba
Bottle feeding -
Bottle feeding is another option for feeding your newborn and can provide a more flexible schedule for both parents. Bottle feeding can also make it easier for other family members to participate in feedings, which can be helpful for mothers who need a break.
One main benefit of bottle feeding is that it can lead to longer sleep cycles for your baby. Unlike breastfeeding. Bottle feeding does not require close physical contact and can provide a more structured feeding schedule. This can allow your baby to fall asleep more easily and have longer sleep cycles, leading to more restful sleep for both baby and parents.
However, bottle feeding can also have its own challenges when it comes to sleep. Newborns who are bottle-fed may have trouble transitioning from awake to asleep if they associate their feeding schedule with playtime. Additionally, newborns who are bottle-fed may have trouble self-soothing and may have trouble self-soothing and may need to be rocked or bounced to sleep which can make it difficult for them to fall back asleep on their own.
Photography by Sarah Chai
Whether you choose to breastfeed or bottle feed your newborn, it is important to understand the impact that each method can have on their sleep. While both breastfeeding and bottle feeding have their own benefits and challenges, it is important to find the method that works for you and your baby. By understanding how each method can affect your newborn's sleep, you can make an informed decision and help promote a healthy and restful sleep for both you and your baby.